Miami Graffiti

Total results: 22 (3 pages).

    Writer: SAVE
    Crew: AMP H5
    Date: 1990
    Submitter: KIDKODAK85

    Writer: MKUE
    Crew: H5
    Date: 1990
    Submitter: KIDKODAK85

    Writer: Seam
    Crew: H5
    Location: Brickell
    Date: 1990
    Submitter: reveal

    Writer: Mque
    Crew: H5
    Submitter: fattypop

    Writer: Semes by Seam
    Crew: H5
    Location: Airport (Baby) Penit
    Date: 1990
    Submitter: fattypop

    Writer: Who Crew
    Crew: VO5 WHO H5
    Location: Club Nu Parking Lot
    Date: 1988
    Submitter: TED COPEL
    Story from Solo: This was a day we fought some south beach gang and Seam broke a guys arm with a bat, lawless kids.

    Writer: TM5ive by Dash Pen
    Crew: H5 VO5
    Location: 5th Street South Beach
    Date: 1989
    Submitter: Alexsins

    Writer: Jibarito by Seam & Kaos
    Crew: VO5 H5
    Location: 7th Ave, Miami
    Date: 1988
    Submitter: KAOS

    Writer: Seam Dash Solo
    Crew: VO5 H5 CAC
    Location: NE 79th Street
    Date: 1989
    Submitter: Alexsins
    *Story from Solo: We stayed awake for about 31 hours straight to finish this. At the end, Dash and I started to
    fight, he kept coming at me with a paint scraper. We were tired and maybe too many fumes!
    *Story from Dash: We tried to break night, but sometime in the wee hours we gave up and crashed out in my
    car. Seam and Solo layed out across the front and back seats, and I slept in the trunk atop a couple hundred
    cans of spraypaint. My mom showed up at like 9 AM with the ill breakfast spread for us. Didn't remember that
    we fought. Good times.

    Writer: Shie
    Crew: H5
    Location: The Chamber
    Date: 1990
    Submitter: Alexsins